So close yet so far away

So close yet so far away

“I took this picture because just eight blocks away, well not even eight blocks, I don’t even think it’s that far, but – it’s like a whole other world eight blocks away from there.  That’s why I named it So close, but yet so far away.  Because even though they are so close in distance, it’s like two separate worlds.  On this side of Ashland – this is on this side of Ashland – on this side, the west side of Ashland, but then you go right across the street on the other side of Ashland and it look like you arrived in heaven, you know?  So that’s why. . . .As far as it relating to my recovery – I don’t know, I always feel like I’m right there, you know?  But I know I’m just one step away from disaster. So it kind of lines up, you know, I’m looking at a negative into a positive.”



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