Look beyond your boundaries

Look beyond your boundaries

“A lot of times we don’t really venture out of our neighborhood, you know, during the course of maybe our entire lives.  It’s looking at [the] downtown area…where they consider progress and change and capital and, you know, where money is being transacted and business is being conducted. I found that a lot of times we’re scared to get out of that circle.  We’re scared to leave our neighborhoods…with the drug addiction, you’ll lose focus of making progress, you know?  You’ll be stuck, you’ll be shut-in.  When I – I’ve ain’t had much opportunity to walk – venture out the neighborhood, I just looked up and saw the skyline and thought about that.  This shot was taken from an impoverished neighborhood like Lawndale and if you look right down the street you can see the Chicago Loop. I just thought that was striking.”


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